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Sugar 2

Nov 10, 2019Accents, Articles, Canadian, English, Life&Food

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Which do you prefer, sugar or honey?


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José Cruz: What else do you eat that’s fairly high sugar?

Tom Isham: I mean, nothing much really. (Just that drink?) I mean, I like putting honey on things, but. (Like what?) Like bacon.(OK) I- (Stop that) The other day (Bacon) I thought, I go experimental with my rice cooker (Alright) So I tried cooking the rice in apple juice instead of water.

José: OK uh (I) the thing about apple juice, apple juice basically is a container of sugar.

Tom: Yeah. I don’t think I’ll be doing it again (Oh) as it didn’t taste that great.

José: Oh good.

OK. I was going to say, I hope you don’t like that.

Tom: No. It was (OK) it’s weird because…

José: Yeah. Apple juice and su- and rice.

Tom: At like at some points you’re like, that just tastes like rice (uh huh) and at other times, you get like a really apple-y taste from it.

José: Well it depends on the brand that you buy of the apple juice, right?

Tom: Yeah. I just used the one that you can get at Cosmos down the road. (Alright) So it’s just like, but other times it’d be like this is really apple-y, and my mind doesn’t know if it likes it, (OK) so it’s just like, never again. (OK good) But I always say, like experimental with my cooking. The night, like before my teacher the next day then asks, “So what did you have for dinner last night?”

José: Oh, so that then you can say, “I did this, and I did this.”

Tom: Yeah, but it’s more of, don’t judge me (Ha ha) I put apple with my rice and then I also added honey and rosemary.

José: Rosemary is good. Honey, yeah stop it.

Tom: Yeah. (Um especially) Again, it also doesn’t taste that great when you cook rice in it.

José: See, your your body’s doing um what uh research points out. If you have a low fat content diet, you want to start replacing it with sugar (Hmm) That’s what you did with the apple juice and honey. So, I would actually, if I were you start moving towards a high protein, medium quantity fat diet. So don’t start trimming your pork chops and stuff like that. But put an eye towards trying to cut down on the extraneous honey. (Yeah) Like, how many bottles of honey do you go through in a week, say?

Tom: Oh, it’s like, I’ve had the bottle I’ve have for about three weeks. Since I..

José: How big is the bottle?

Tom: Oh, it’s about, (A pint?) oh I don’t know, yeah. it’s…

José: It’s about a pint? A pint in three weeks. It’s still about how full? (like three-quarters) 3/4 full?

Tom: I’m not like, overdosing.

José: Oh OK. It’s 3/4 full. Oh OK well.

Tom: Yeah I just go experimental every now and again, (OK) and go, (Well) would honey taste good on this or that? Most of the time it’s, no.

José: Oh well then if it’s an- just an experimental thing that’s fine, but um,

Tom: But I do admit to having a bit of a uh, comfort food moment (Which is) Well I just go a spoon.

José: A spoon of honey (Yeah) Oh geez. How- Are you sure you haven’t gone through three other bottles that you-

Tom: No, I’m pretty sure.

José: Because it sounds like you’re using a lot. OK.


What’s your favourite sweet food?

What is the strangest recipe you have ever tried or eaten?

Tom has a speaking habit common among young English speakers of starting ideas and sentences with the phrase, “I MEAN

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José Domingo Cruz


Vancouver, British Columbia

Tom Isham


Warwick, England


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  1. I often eat high sugar foods, for example, cakes, chocolates, and cokes. I know that I eat these foods to much is bad for my health. Because these foods contain a lot of sugar. However, I am a sweet tooth. so, I cannot stop eating them.
    I prefer sugar to honey. Because this taste is better than honey. Sugars goes well with anything. Sugars are used not only sweets but soltish foods. For example, american dogs. But I do not think it is good for my health. If you eat sugar too much, you receive a lot of bad influence from it. For example, you gain weight. Because sugar is high calorie. Second, there is some risk of become diabetic. Third, you may be troubled by rough skin. Because eating too much sugar disturbs your hormone balance. In addition to this, you become sick.
    Compared to sugar, honey has a lot of nutrient. Surprisingly, it has 150 nutrients. Not only that, honey’s calorie is lawer than sugar. And, it also has the effect of killing bacteria. So, it is good for person who love sugar that replace sugar with honey. But also taking honey too much is not good. I think I must be careful of taking anything too much.

  2. I think that sweet foods are very delicious too. In addition to strong taste foods are good taste. I over eat these. That’s because I need these. Very very delicious. I can not stop eat these. These are like poison. I know that I over eat sweet foods are unhealthy. If we eat only these, we will be diabetes. According to hear that Asian people are get diabetes easily. So, we must be careful more. My grandfather was diabetes. He regularly went to hospital. It was so busy. He inject stomach everyday. I don’t to be diabetes. I don’t like inject. Diabetes’s symptom is get numb and frequent urination and more… So, diabetes are very terrible. We have to think that lifestyle habit. It is very hard. Especially, university students are difficult. But, the number of diabetes’s people are increase. So, we have to fell of danger.

    • I often eat high sugar foods, for example, cakes, chocolates, and cokes. I know that I eat these foods to much is bad for my health. Because these foods contain a lot of sugar. However, I am a sweet tooth. so, I cannot stop eating them.
      I prefer sugar to honey. Because this taste is better than honey. Sugars goes well with anything. Sugars are used not only sweets but soltish foods. For example, american dogs. But I do not think it is good for my health. If you eat sugar too much, you receive a lot of bad influence from it. For example, you gain weight. Because sugar is high calorie. Second, there is some risk of become diabetic. Third, you may be troubled by rough skin. Because eating too much sugar disturbs your hormone balance. In addition to this, you become sick.
      Compared to sugar, honey has a lot of nutrient. Surprisingly, it has 150 nutrients. Not only that, honey’s calorie is lawer than sugar. And, it also has the effect of killing bacteria. So, it is good for person who love sugar that replace sugar with honey. But also taking honey too much is not good. I think I must be careful of taking anything too much.

  3. Hello. I talk about sweets. Sweets are very delicious. I love the sweetest of all kinds of food. For example, chocolates, shortcakes, and sweet bread. I have lived for 20 years and have always eaten sweets. However, eating only sweets is bad for you. Japanese food used to be healthy in the past, but the basics of Japanese food have collapsed as Westernization has advanced. Mr. Donut’s Angel French is very delicious, but be careful not to overeat it. Ingestion of large amounts of sugar causes lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes. That is scary. Sure, sweet foods are delicious, but I thought it was necessary to be careful about eating too much and have a healthy diet. I think the same can be said for fast food. Be careful not to overeat McDonald’s and Kentucky.

  4. I eat sweets a lot, like chocolate and cookies. And I work at a cake shop. I often get a cake at the end of work. And every time I receive it. I know sweets are bad for my body, but I love them so I can’t stop eating them. I’ve eaten too much sweet food, and recently I’ve got acne on my face. Sweet things can get rid of my fatigue, give me happiness, and so on, but only for a moment. Considering your happiness in the future, I should refrain from sweet. I don’t buy it recently because I will definitely eat it if it is sweet. By not buying sweets, I am healthy and save money. I’m still young, but I don’t know when I’ll get sick. Since I was a teenager, I try to be careful about my health. It’s sad that I’ll have diabetes in the future and I can’t eat delicious food.

  5. Recently,I eat “pudding chocolate” every day. And I use to drink a lot of juice in high school. Coke is especially famous for its high sugar content. I know it’s bad for my body, but I can not stop it. I may have diabetes in the future. But I could not stop they. Naturally, I know that too much for sugar bad for my health. I don’t know how to do it. But I decided to improve my life because I was scared to see the diabetes article. Diabetes causes the kidney non-functional ,and loses sight. They are very scare for humans. And diabetes causes death in the worst case. For example, diabetes increases the probability of having a myocardial or cerebral infarction. I don’t want die of illness as much as possible. I am still young so I can cure it. I try do my best!

  6. I like sweets. So I tend to eat chocolate. I have been drinking cola since middle school until now. They are very delicious. So I eat a lot. Sugar is the energy source for the brain. Of course it’s effective to eat sugar while studying. However, it is not good to take too much. For example, People who get sick due to too much sugar are called diabetic. It is very horrible illness. Having diabetes makes you more susceptible to other diseases. They are connected more and more. This series of steps is called lifestyle-related disease. According this name, This disease seems to come from lifestyle. Sugar is highly dependent. So I think the most scary thing is that you can’t stop. I think I drink too much cola. Too much sugar has various other adverse effects. For example, fat. Moreover, at a considerable speed. Next, get rough. Once those takes, very difficult to get back. Sugar has various nutrients. But it is a story that overdose is not good. If you take good care of yourself, Sugar will be more useful. That is why we have to be careful since we were young. It’s late since I got sick.


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