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Northern Ireland

Jul 13, 2015Canadian, Irish, Life&Food

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José Cruz: If I can continue on that topic of religion and it’s waning or changing influence, um I might prove my ignorance here about the country uh, and please forgive me if I do. But if it’s true that the Catholic church’s grip on the society is changing from what it was 20-25 years ago, I’m sorry but the biggest thing I can think about Ireland in my memory is is mostly about Northern Ireland and about the difference between Protestants and Catholics in that particular region. Now of course, Ireland is its own country, and Northern Ireland is England, but just even that for you, if the Catholic church is losing it’s influence in Ireland and if, let’s say a big if, there’s a similar kind of wave happening in England and Northern Ireland in terms of the Protestant church losing it’s influence, do you think there’s ever any hope that we could ever actually see the entire island coming back together as one Ireland?

Shane Doyle: Well, that’s a very difficult question, isn’t it? You know, and I doubt…

José: So what what do you think?

Shane: Well personally you know I don’t I don’t- I think that the influence of the church isn’t- is not what will bring a united Ireland (Really?) You know, in terms of… Uh you know The Republic of Ireland is an independent country and Northern Ireland thenShane used this word to emphasize that he was comparing two things. (1:16) is, is governed from London, isn’t it? You know so… What we have there is, you have you have basically Protestants and Catholics withinShane’s Irish accent pronounces the “TH” as similar to a “D” sound. (1:28) Northern Ireland you know, and the Protestants want to remain a part of the UK, and the Catholics want a united Ireland. Well that’s that’s generally along the lines it is- it is divided. Now, how is that possible, how is it possible to make that united unless one group leaves the actual province itself, you know?

José: You you see no way for the Protestants to ever see themselves as being Irish, they will always be Protestant English, you think?

Shane: Well I would think if their you know if their allegiance is to to the United Kingdom to the Queen, well I think that- that probably won’t change in the short term, you know.

José: Where’s where is the Queen in Ireland’s constitution actually?

Shane: Um, wh- when you when you ask that question what do you mean where is she in our constitution?

José: Um, I don’t even know… Like for example in Canada, the Queen was the ruler of the country until uh what was it? Nineteen-seventy… uh when did we repatriate the constitution?… I think it was like in 1982 or something. And technically speaking the Speaker is still the representative to the Queen. So technically speaking she still has through the Speaker a- a figurehead position in the country, but all laws are patriatedJosé should have said “created”. (2:47) now locally. Now I don’t know what the history between Ireland and England was and when it was that Ireland completely broke off, but does the Queen or the English crown still have any role to play? (No) None? (No) Good for you.

Shane: Uh no she’s no- she’s not she’s not head of state she’s not anything to the Republic of Ireland, You know, but she does play a role to play for the Northern Ireland. You know and a lot of… (That’s England) within within Northern Ireland you have the choice of uh an Irish passport or a a British passport (Really?) And so so you can choose either, you know.

José: Even Protestants can choose?

Shane: Well, yes I would guess so, yeah. You know, if you wish, you know.

José: That’s interesting.


Will we ever see a peaceful world?

What do you think you can do to help world peace?

The Canadian Constitution was repatriated in 1982 (http://bit.ly/1QWG8uB)

VOA article: “Religious and Ethnic Hatred Seen as Biggest Threat”


Image courtesy of Nicolas Raymond


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José Domingo Cruz


Vancouver, British Columbia

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Shane Doyle


Dublin, Ireland


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