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Sep 30, 2018Canadian, English, Female, Japanese, Life&Food

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What do you know about Wales?


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José Cruz: So you went to Cardiff. (Yup) How was that?

Karen Ban: I really liked the city, yeah. Cardiff City. (Mm hmm) People are really lovely. And the weather- normally people say that British weather is awful, but for me it was really good. It’s not too hot, and not too cold maybe.

José: OK I would say today is like really cloudy and grey. (Yeah) What do you- what do you call this weather? This is good, or this is grey and cloudy?

Karen: Uh normal, like not too bad.

José: OK so I guess that’s why there- that makes sense why you thought Cardiff weather wasn’t, was- wasn’t awful. Uh because that’s what I hear. I’ve never been to Britain but (Oh) that’s what I hear. British weather is so terrible. (Aww) Have you ever been to Vancouver? (No) OK because British people love Vancouver (Mm) because it’s so similar to British weather. (Really) Well when I lived there, there’s climate change now, but when I lived there, um British people go “We love it here. It’s just so lovely and so similar to British weather” And and I thought, OK, so I guess this is what British weather is like. Anyway so keep going. So you loved it. The weather was nice.

Karen: And the food! Japan- many Japanese say that British weather is just terrible, but it was really nice, and then I always like to eat, so I always think. (Japanese food) No no British food.

José: Oh I thought (Sorry sorry) you said like there was great Japanese food in in inan example of repeating as opposed to using filler words (1:23) Cardiff. (No) Oh OK. (No British food) Really? (Yeah) Because there were two things that people usually complain about (What) when it comes to Britain. One is the weather. two is the food.

Karen: Yeah but I thought maybe that was like, when you go to the pub, there’s a wri- many like ketchup, mustard (Co- condiments) Yeah condiments. and then maybe many people don’t- from foreign countries don’t use that ketchup or condiments, maybe? So that’s why- (Maybe) because without those condiments there’s no taste (I-) That’s why, partially, I think.

José: Could- could be. Could be, um. (Yeah) Good food tho’ (He he) shouldn’t need condiments.

Karen: Ah right. That’s true.

José: If you’re making a good steak. You don’t want to put ketchup on the steak. (Yeah) That’s- if if if your father made you a really good meal, (Mm) and then you put ketchup all over his food…

Karen: Ha ha that’s rude a bit.

José: Exactly. Exactly!


What kind of weather do you consider to be good? What kind of weather do you hate?

Do you like to put a lot of condiments on your food?

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José Domingo Cruz image

José Domingo Cruz


Vancouver, British Columbia

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Karen Ban


Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture


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