Allowance 3 Image

Allowance 3

May 31, 2014Canadian, Life&Food, Money

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CONSIDER What was the most expensive gift you received as a child?


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José: What do you think about the whole role of allowance now in Japan? I think you and I see different cultural aspects separate from what we grew up with here in this country. And I don’t know about you, But I see a different attitude towards the relationship between the – There’s a three-point relationship parents, children and money. I think I see a very different model followed by most families here as opposed to the one that I grew up with.

Alex: Well I think, or I I see what some kids get these days. Uh I’m just uh amazed. Uh, I I don’t know what…

José: Give me, give me an example. Just to just to make it clear. What amazes you?

Alex: I I think there’re probably many kids that have uh, video games right? PlayStation..

José: The consoles, the tv – connected to TV consoles.

Alex: Yes that’s right. Uh I could’ve never imagined that. Ah maybe it isn’t that amazing but um, I I think I think there’re some kids who get spoiled, right? And maybe I have to think, was I ever spoiled? Maybe sometimes I was spoiled but I don’t think I was ever really completely spoiled because… I think as, when I was a kid there was stuff that I often wanted and, but I I couldn’t get. (Right, right) Occasionally I would get something.

José: See it depends on your definition of spoiled. (Mm-hmm) I mean we got presents we had our Christmas presents we had our birthday presents I’m sure you did (Mm-hmm) I did. And Christmas is an important time and birthday, you know, sometimes your parents wanted to splurge. They would get you presents. Some of the stuff that I was getting, it was costly but it wasn’t the value of a P – you know a PlayStation 3, as it is today. I think the most expensive thing I ever got as a gift was a bicycle.

Alex: Probably, me too.

José: Right? (Yeah) And that was the the most hugest'Huge' is normally “the most huge” when written as a superlative, but José made a mistake. the gift I ever got. I was so happy about it. But to be honest, I mean um, I – you could say I’m looking at it with an old man’s eyes now, but like specially in Japan, Japanese kids are getting – a bicycle is nondescript, it’s mediocre, it’s like a low-level gift, right? (Yeah) What you’re not going to get me a car? But I’m already 14! I might drive it!'What you’re not…' Jose is speaking sarcastically here, in the voice of a spoiled 14 year-old Is the the uh the idea, right?

Alex: I don’t know how often that happens, do you know?

José: PS3s, or?

Alex: No, uh how often uh, a new new adult or new 18-year-old gets a car as a gift in this country.

José: Oh I wouldn’t say that’s something that happens a lot.


Do you think you get/got enough money for an allowance?

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José Domingo Cruz


Vancouver, British Columbia

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Alex Bodnar


Harriston, Ontario


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